I hate everyone! I don’t know why they thought I’m crazy! I don’t know why no one believes me! Why? Did I do something wrong? I guess not! All I know is… I can see a portrait that no one can do! An invisible portrait as what they’ve said!

I’m so scared! I’m in a place where I should not belong. People are screaming and shouting. People are running or dancing without music. Some are singing even without a tune. Others are fighting without any reason. There are some who talk to themselves and laugh all alone. Yes they are the one whom we called crazy! Not me! Not me who is not doing any of it! I’m not crazy!

One night, I really can’t sleep no matter how I tried to do so. I stood up and walked through the window to watch the view outside. I was walking through the aisle when I saw a huge portrait of an old woman staring at me strongly. Her eyes are bleeding and following me as I continue to walk. I can’t help it. I was so scared! Really scared! I shouted as loud as I can! All the staffs, even the patients were awaken because of my loud voice.

I can’t remember anything! The last thing I knew is that they were carrying me back to my room and I felt the painful syringe in my arms. The next day when I woke up, I felt like I can’t move. I was tied like a helpless one. My family was there and it made me feel alive. I told them what about happened last night. I know I saw that portrait, I know I was not dreaming. I know I’m not crazy! But nobody believes me. None even my family! Why they can’t see that portrait? Why only me? For them it’s just an invisible portrait! Just an imagination because they think I’m crazy! How about you, can you see that portrait?

7/15/2012 04:31:27 am

good post

8/7/2012 10:53:59 am

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8/7/2012 10:56:25 am

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